Seasonal Allergies
Posted by Kelly Kreider on
Allergies aren't exclusive to nerds in '80s movies when they travel anywhere outside of their bedroom. Dogs can have them too!
It may not present in the same way as it does in humans but dogs suffer nonetheless.
Symptoms Include:
- Paw licking/biting
- Ear infections
- Watery eyes
- Itchy skin
- Dry flaky skin
- Scratching
If your dog seems to be especially susceptible in certain months of the year (usually summer) then they could be suffering from seasonal allergies. It is important to make an appointment with your holistic veterinarian to rule out any other cause before self-diagnosing, however, these symptoms usually are merely allergies.
In recent years, allergy medication has become a driving force in the treatment of allergy symptoms. But that's just it. Those medications only treat the symptoms. Let's take a closer look at some of the more popular prescription drugs.
Apoquel is one of the most recommended allergy drugs even though it is an immune suppressing drug with potential side effects worse than what its supposed to be treating.
- UTIs
- Lethargy
- Pneumonia
- Appetite loss
- Ear infections
- Histiocytomas
- Skin infections
- Increased aggression
- Decreased globulin
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Cutaneous lumps
- Subcutaneous lumps
- Increased lipase and cholesterol
- Polydipsia
- Reduced leukocytes
But this doesn't happen to every animal and they've tested it otherwise it wouldn't be on the market right?
Yes! They tested it! For seven days.
One week.
They did conduct a continuation study...for one month. Only 6% of dogs had abnormal reactions (that's already higher than the percentage of dogs getting DCM but sure let's approve it anyway) but again that was one month on the drug. Most dogs using this drug will be on it for a LOT longer than that, possibly even their entire lives.
There is a long term study referenced by the manufacturer claiming the drug is safe but the facts would suggest otherwise. There was a total of 7 deaths, 6 incidents of tumors, sarcomas, carcinomas and even cancer.
The "margin of safety" study was discontinued when the dogs developed bacterial pneumonia and demodectic mange infections.
Apoquel is no more than a quick bandaid fix, once you stop giving it, the allergies will come right back. This goes for any allergy medication, that is their job. Suppressing the symptoms.
Another common prescribed medication is Atopica (Clycosporine) which is another immunosuppressive drug and the FDA lists side effects and complaints from almost 10,000 users. It completely destroys the immune system so many dogs were getting cancer.
Instead of gambling with these terrifying side effects, try isolating the cause of the allergy.
- Take an allergy test (we carry the one by Glacier Peak Holistics in the store so you don't have to worry about making an entire vet appointment just for a test) that highlights stressors your dog responds to.
- Get an air purifier
- Use coconut oil to decrease the production of yeast
- Use apple cider vinegar as a paw rinse to take off some of the pollen and possible allergens.
- Use an herbal support supplement to eliminate fungus and viruses and repair damage caused by food and environment
- Choose a low carb diet as carbs can worsen inflammation
- Feed as much fresh whole food as possible
- Rotate proteins frequently (avoiding the ones they are allergic to of course)
There are so many safe and natural options out there we can help you try! Its time we start to repair and boost their immune system instead of suppressing it.